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Keeping up to date with your local grassroots football club couldn't be easier.
Plastic Bottle Lid Problem
The latter is posing the biggest risk to our players as they get ripped in the mower when the pitches are cut weekly, creating smaller very sharp edged bits of plastic that become embedded into the pitches, which would be no different to having broken glass on them.
Three Port Superstars Injured
Port of Bristol Youth Football Club is sad to announce that three of our younger players have been injured recently, with fractures to legs and ankles. This is made even worse by the fact we have only just returned from our Covid-19 break where the boys have missed so much football already.
Presentation 2019-20 Season Evening
Port of Bristol Youth FC presentation evening is being held Wednesday 2nd September at the PBA Sports & Social Club.
Signing On Progression
Port of Bristol Youth FC are so happy to announce that the signing on of players is showing to be a great success.
The on going Co-vid 19 issues closed down not just the season but also every club up and the country and this is having a massive knock on effect to players dropping out of football....
When The Purple Army Was Red
How time flies...Presentation Day from three years ago, just shows how far we have come as a club.
Purple Army Up & Running
We have just completed our second full week of training since our return from lockdown and it has been a great success. Everyone involved at the club who has enabled us to get this rolled out has been amazing, we needed to ensure the safety of our players and we have had so much great feedback from our parents and local people....